Two untitled woodcuts. A collaborative project of Senegalese http://sites.rapidus.net/atelier.presse.papier/Collecte/pages/Senegal.html
Curator's statement. Mali , 2003 exhibit. McLean Project for the Arts, McLean , Virginia . Three paintings by Kalidou Sy, including Indigo (2000). 37 x 47. Acrylic, clay, paper on canvas. http://www.mcleanart.org/patternessay.html
Interview of Kalidou Sy and discussion with Bara Diokhane following January 2002 exhibit in New Orleans . By Doug MacCash, art critic for the Times Picayune ( New Orleans ).
Memorial tribute by Prof. Mohamed Mbodj, Manhattanville College . West African Research Association (WARA) Newsletter . <african.ufl.edu/WARA/WARA%20NL%20Fall%202005.pdf> http://www.africa.ufl.edu/WARA/
Photo of Kalidou Sy & Gérard Chenêt. WARA 2004 Summer Institute. African Literature in its Contexts . Toubab Dialaw , http://web.africa.ufl.edu/WARA/conf_inst_thumb.htm
Report on WARA 2004 Institute, including a slide show of recent works by Kalidou Sy. http://web.africa.ufl.edu/WARA/Fall%202004.pdf
Rethinking Francophone Africa . Roundtable with Boubacar Boris Diop, Eileen Julien, Richard Serrano, and Kalidou Sy. Rutgers University . September 2004. Newsletter. Vol IV. Center for African Studies. http://ruafrica.rutgers.edu/about/media/cas_newsletter_volume_04.pdf